5 to Live By: The Top 5 Christian Blog Posts of the Week 

Linking you to the top 5 Christian blog posts of the week—posts that provide robust, rich, and relevant insights for living. 

Let’s Not Cut Christ to Pieces 

Michael Horton in a Christianity Today article writes an excellence, compassionate, nuanced view of a Christian response to same-sex attraction. Read Let’s Not Cut Christ to Pieces. This is a crucial article that every Christian and every person wrestling with same-sex attraction should read. 

The Gospel Grid 

Jeff Medders at Gospel-Centered Discipleship provides a balanced, comprehensive approach to applying the gospel to life. He calls it The Gospel Grid which includes the 4M’s of: Message, Motivation, Model, and Means. Learn about how to apply The Gospel Grid.

On Counseling and Comedy 

Brad Hambrick shares a unique take on how to be sure our words are fitly spoken. He compares counseling and comedy in On Counseling and Comedy 

Does Quantum Physics Make It Easier to Believe in God? 

The past few weeks we’ve heard a lot about the “God Particle.” At The Gospel Coalition, Stephen Barr discusses the implications of physics for belief in God. Read his thoughts at Does Quantum Physics Make It Easier to Believe in God?  

Why No Denomination Will Survive the Homosexuality Crisis 

Kevin DeYoung writes a blunt post sharing his views on Why No Denomination Will Survive the Homosexuality Crisis 

Join the Conversation 

Which post impacted you the most? Why? What blog posts have you enjoyed this week that you want to share with others? 

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