MVPC Ministry Development Strategy

Dear Christian Leader,

Buzz words like “vision,” “mission,” “passion,” and “commission” are all the rage. However, for many Christian leaders it seems like lots of talk and tons of work, with little results and few practical benefits. Dr. Kellemen wants your church/para-church to be an MVP organization. He wants you to be an MVP-C organism—a living, breathing, healthy, growing, loving group of believers who know and live their Vision, Mission, Passion, and Commission.

The key to a relevant, successful MVP-C Statement is uniting the two heart chambers of people and purpose, of relationship and structure. When the MVP-C process is done right, the organism is organized—the Body of Christ functions in harmony, grows in unity, and reaches out in ministry. Your church or para-church group then can sail the seas of ministry with the five biblical ships of discipleship (equipping), worship (exalting), fellowship (encouraging), stewardship (edifying), and ambassadorship (evangelizing)

Step-by-step, Dr. Kellemen walks hand-in-hand with local church and para-church leadership to guide the leadership team, and if desired, the entire church family or para-church organization, through the biblical, relational, and purposeful process of co-discovering and co-implementing God’s unique Mission, Vision, Passion, and Commission (MVP-C Statement) for your group. Specifically you learn how to:

Mission: Jointly Discover and Implement Your Mission: What every biblical ministry is called to be and do—your five ships: discipleship, worship, fellowship, stewardship, and ambassadorship.

Vision: Jointly Discover and Implement Your Vision: What your ministry is called to be and do—your unique ministry DNA/Fingerprint/Calling/Dream.

Passion: Jointly Discover and Implement Your Passion: What creatively captures and compellingly communicates the essence of your ministry existence—your “Aha experience.” “That’s it! That’s us!”

Commission: Jointly Discover and Implement Your Commission: How your ministry fulfills its MVP calling—your MAP: Ministry Action Plan.

The following page outlines the entire training process in detail.

You can choose from among four consulting plans.

  • Alpha Plan: Ten hours of advising on how to walk your church through the MVP-C Statement development and implementation process.
  • Beta Plan: Twenty-five hours of working with your leadership team off-site and on-site in developing and implementing your MVP-C Statement.
  • Gamma Plan: Fifty-hours of working with your entire organization off-site and on-site in developing and implementing your MVP-Statement.
  • Delta Plan: On-call advising by the hour. Like the IT “Geek Squad,” Dr. Kellemen is available for “as needed” consultation when you have specific questions about developing and implementing your MVP-C Statement. You can receive details regarding fee structures for each plan by contacting Dr. Kellemen.

In Christ’s Grace,

Robert W. Kellemen, Ph.D., LCPC

Dreaming God’s Dream :  MVP-C Ministry Development Strategy ©

Developing Our Mission, Vision, Passion, and Commission Statement

I. Developing and Implementing Our Mission Statement:

What every biblical ministry is called to be and do: The “Five Ships”

A. Discipleship (Equipping): What is God calling us to be and do in discipleship?

B. Worship (Exalting and Enjoying): What is God calling us to be and do in worship?

C. Fellowship (Encouraging): What is God calling us to be and do in fellowship?

D. Stewardship (Edifying): What is God calling us to be and do in stewardship?

E. Ambassadorship (Evangelizing): What is God calling us to be and do in ambassadorship?

II. Developing and Implementing Our Vision Statement:

What our ministry is called to be and do: Our unique ministry DNA, Fingerprint, Calling, and Dream

A. DNA: What is our unique congregational DNA?

B. Fingerprint: What is our distinctive, sovereign gift-mix?

C. Calling: What is our special calling in our specific community?

D. Dream: What is God’s dream concerning who we will become and what we will do for His Kingdom?

III. Developing and Implementing Our Passion Statement:

What creatively captures and compellingly communicates the essence of our ministry:

Our “Aha experience.” “That’s it! That’s us!”

A. Capture: How do we capture the essence of God’s dream for us?

B. Communicate: How do we creatively, compellingly convey God’s dream for us?

IV. Developing and Implementing Our Commission Statement:

How our ministry fulfills its MVP calling—Our MAP: Ministry Action Plan

A. Developing and Implementing Our MAP for the Community

B. Developing and Implementing Our MAP for the Crowd

C. Developing and Implementing Our MAP for the Congregation

D. Developing and Implementing Our MAP for the Committed

E. Developing and Implementing Our MAP for the Core

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