Change Management and Conflict Resolution

Dear Christian Leader,

As a pastor to pastors and a counselor to counselors, Dr. Kellemen knows first-hand the agony of dashed ministry dreams, crushed under the load of unresolved conflict. That’s why he is passionate about helping church and para-church leaders to establish systems of relating that prevent and/or deal biblically with divisive conflict. Following the biblical leadership model of Nehemiah, and many other relevant scriptural passages, Dr. Kellemen helps Christian leaders to build cohesive teams and to plan for preventative change management.

Of course, even the most godly plan enacted in an ungodly world can fall apart. That’s why Dr. Kellemen uses principles of conflict resolution from James 4:1-8, and many other pertinent passages, to help Christian leaders get to the heart of the real issues that often lay hidden beneath surface symptoms. He will help you heal the heart of your church or para-church by first helping you to diagnose what causes fights and quarrel among us. Then, using biblical prescriptions, Dr. Kellemen takes church leaders and members, and para-church employers and employees on a joint journey of sustaining, healing, reconciling, and guiding.

Step-by-step, Dr. Kellemen walks hand-in-hand with local church and para-church leadership and membership to prevent conflict if at all possible, or to heal conflict in healthy ways leading to spiritual, relational, and emotional wholeness. Specifically you will learn how to:

  • Prepare the Congregation/Organization for Change: You will learn principles of stragetic change management that work in the real world with real people with real passions.
  • Foster a Climate for Ongoing Support and Participation: You will learn how to implement the Nehemiah Model in your church or para-church ministry.
  • Understand the Heart Issues During Times of Conflict: You will learn how to diagnose heart issues and how to prescribe heart cures.
  • Implement Conflict Resolution Principles Along with Change Management Methods: You will learn how to apply the Nehemiah Method to dealing with difficult situations and hurting/hardened people.

The following page outlines the entire training process in detail.

You can choose from among four consulting plans.

  • Alpha Plan: Ten hours of advising on how to walk your church through the MVP-C Statement development and implementation process.
  • Beta Plan: Twenty-five hours of working with your leadership team off-site and on-site in developing and implementing your MVP-C Statement.
  • Gamma Plan: Fifty-hours of working with your entire organization off-site and on-site in developing and implementing your MVP-Statement.
  • Delta Plan: On-call advising by the hour. Like the IT “Geek Squad,” Dr. Kellemen is available for “as needed” consultation when you have specific questions about developing and implementing your MVP-C Statement. You can receive details regarding fee structures for each plan by contacting Dr. Kellemen.

In Christ’s Grace,

Robert W. Kellemen, Ph.D., LCPC

The Nehemiah Change Management and Conflict Resolution Model ©

I. Preparing the Congregation for Change: Strategic Change Management

A. Translating the “Two Languages of Ministry”: People/Purpose, Relationship/Task

B. Picturing Change: “Who Moved My Cheese?”

C. Implementing Strategic Change Management

D. Building Trusting Relationships

II. Fostering a Climate for Ongoing Support and Participation: The Nehemiah Model

A. Prioritize the Implementation of Changes

B. Implement Your Changes One at a Time

C. Put People to Work Where They Are Passionate (SHAPE)

D. Put Key Leaders to Work in Visible Places

E. Foster a Climate of Ongoing Support with Each “Group” within Your Church/Ministry

III. Understanding the Heart During Times of Conflict: James 4:1-8

A. Diagnosis of Heart Disease, Part I: What Causes Fights and Quarrells Among Us?

B. Diagnosis of Heart Disease, Part II: How Our Relationship to God Impacts Our Relationship to One Another

C. Diagnosis of Heart Disease, Part III: How Manipulation and Retailiation Fuel Conflict

D. Prescriptions for Healing the Heart: How Repentance, Brokenness, and Grace Feed Peace

IV. Conflict Resolution and Change Management: The Nehemiah Method

A. How You Deal with Change: An Exercise in Change

B. How People Deal with Change: Pondering Our Change Quotient

C. Expect Opposition

D. Keep on Track

E. Keep Caring: Making Course Corrections

F. Negotiate Peace: Sustaining, Healing, Reconciling, and Guiding

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