REST: How to Lead Meetings That People Want to Attend

“Meetings.” Just the mention of the word causes most of us to cringe.

Is there any way to lead a meeting that makes people cheer instead of boo?

Try the “REST” principle of meetings. In church and para-church settings I’ve always lead meeting with the following focus.

R: Relationship Building

Start every meeting with a time of relationship building. We always start first with a time of building our relationship with Christ—some aspect of group worship.

We next used various creative yet simple means to build relationships with one another—fellowship. It can be as simple yet powerful as praying for each other.

E: Equipping One Another

Having worked to deepen our connection to Christ and the Body of Christ, I next always include a time of discipleship—of mutual equipping. Doesn’t have to be the leader who does so—someone in the group can be designated ahead of time to lead a time of building up the group in ministry equipping.

S: Scriptural Strategizing

Strengthened in Christ and in the Body of Christ, empowered to serve others for Christ, next we spend time in big picture scriptural strategy sessions. Why are we here? Where does Christ want us to go from here? What does God’s Word say about our the specific mission/vision of our unique group in our special community?

T: Taking Action

This is where most groups start and end. They spend all of their time on the details of “business.” This is typically the groups agenda and “to-do” list. I always save this for last. Doesn’t mean it’s not important. But it does put it in its proper place and perspective. We can’t “to-do” anything if we do it in our own strength. Instead, our “to-do” list becomes a “to-glorify-God” list and a “to-enjoy” list when we prioritize it correctly. First, relationship with God and one another. Second, a disciple group. Third, a biblically focused purpose. Fourth, working together to plan how the group members will complete its MAP: Ministry Action Plan.

Join the Conversation

Be honest, when you hear, “It’s time for our next meeting,” what comes to mind? How could the REST model change your attitude about meetings?


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