Brothers, We Should Stink 

On this Lord’s Day, on this day of Sunday worship, it will do us all good to reflect on the true calling of the true pastor-shepherd. 

Here are three links to excellent blog posts in a “mini-series” at Desiring God. 

Brothers, We Should Stink 

Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile writes: 

“The apostle understands that shepherds should smell like sheep. The sheep’s wool should be lint on our clothes. Our boots should be caked with their mud and their mess. Our skin ought to bear teeth marks and the weather-beaten look of exposure to wind, sun, and rain in the fields. We belong among the people to such an extent that they can be called on to honestly testify that our lives as messengers commend the message. We should be so frequently among them that we smell like them, that we smell like their real lives, sometimes fragrant but more often sweaty, musty, offensive, begrimed from battle with the world, the flesh, and the devil.” 

Read his entire post at Brothers, We Should Stink 

Brothers, We Are Not Superstars 

Dr. Daniel Akin writes: 

“I become too important and my time is too valuable to meet with common people, people who cannot help me further my agenda. I am too busy in ‘my ministry’ to respond to letters, answer emails, return phone calls or schedule appointments. And amazingly, I become almost self-righteous in defending my lifestyle, all my perks, and my prideful behavior because what I do is valuable to the kingdom and I’ve earned the right to be treated as one of its kings. 

Read his entire post at Brothers, We Are Not Superstars 

Brothers, We Are Not Professors 

Dr. R.C. Sproul writes: 

“Brothers, your flock may need some more information. What they need more, however, is someone to lead them, to show them the Way. They need to see you repenting. They need to see you wrestling with your sins. They need to see you preaching the gospel to yourself, not because you like the sound of your voice, but because you hate the sin that yet remains, and you need grace. They need to see you rejoicing in the fullness of His promises, and mourning both sin and its fruit, the last enemy, death.

No man needs advanced degrees, and arcane letters after his name in order to follow Jesus. Which means that no man needs these things to lead others in following Jesus. If you follow Him, they will follow you. If, however, you merely tickle their brains, they will soon go off in pursuit of someone who seems smarter than you. If they are taught to hear your voice, they won’t discern the voice of the Master.” 

Read his entire post at Brothers, We Are Not Professors 

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