Book Recommendation for the Counselor’s Ministry: Christ Formed in You 

You’re reading the third in a weekly series of posts where I’m recommending books for counselors. Shorter than a book review but longer than a tweet, these recommendations will whet your appetite to buy books that will build your ministry by equipping you to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth. 

Read my first recommendation: The Cross of Christ  

Read my second recommendation: Dynamics of Spiritual Life  

Christ Formed in You by Brian Hedges 

Hedges’ sub-title communicates well: The Power of the Gospel for Personal Change. If that’s not a subject for biblical counselors, I don’t know what is. 

Hedges provides a rare balance of gospel-centered indicative insights with gospel-centered imperative implications. The first section provides the direction or goal; section two the pattern of change including the affections, mortification, vivification, and motivation; section three highlights the biblical “means of grace.” 

Without outlining the book as Creation-Fall-Redemption-Consummation, it clearly follows that theological motif, thus offering the counselor a comprehensive look at our original state, the problem, and the pattern of change. 

Christ Formed in You reads like a modern-day Puritan manual on Christian living—but without the wordiness and archaic words of our wonderful Puritan forefathers. 

Join the Conversation 

What impact has Brian Hedges’ Christ Formed in You had on your life and ministry? 

What additional books do you recommend for the counselor’s ministry? 

RPM Ministries: Equipping You to Change Lives with Christ’s Changeless Truth

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