5 top Christian blog posts of the week—posts on gospel hope, our God who sees, true friendship, corralling our schedules, and more…

Feeling Pessimistic About the Future?

Trevin Wax notes how today’s world can naturally lead us to being pessimistic about the future. So what do we do? We need a supernatural worldview. “What we need are gospel bearings. That is, we need the gospel to help us keep our footing when the world starts ‘wobbling.’” Find out how to see life from God’s eternal perspective in Pessimistic About the Future? You Need Gospel Bearings. 

The God Who Sees When We Cannot

At CCEF’s blog, Julie Lowe writes about her life with a child with a disability, “Once again God has shown me how He sees brokenness. He is not put off by it. Instead He uses it in His plans to reveal Himself to us and draw us closer to Him. We do not face the future alone.” This is a powerful post about when we feel powerless as parents. Be encouraged to cling to Christ as you read The God Who Sees When We Cannot. 

Performing a Time Audit of Your Life 

J.D. Greear provides a very practical and easy-to-use process to take an honest look at our often out-of-control lives and schedules. Read and grow at Performing a Time Audit of Your Life. 

Do You Have at Least One Friend Like This? 

After sharing the following quote, Paul Tautges asks, “Do you have at least one friend like this?”

The Bible, and particularly the book of Proverbs, spends much time describing and defining it. One of the prime qualities of a friend is constancy. Friends “love at all times” and especially during “adversity” (Proverbs 17:17). The counterfeit is a “fair-weather friend” who comes over when you are successful but goes away if prosperity, status, or influence wanes (Proverbs 14:20; 19:4, 6, 7). True friends stick closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). They are always there for you. Another of the essential characteristics of friendship is transparency and candor. Real friends encourage and affectionately affirm one another (Proverbs 27:9; cf. 1 Samuel 23:16-18), yet real friends also offer bracing critiques: “Faithful are the wounds of a friend” (Proverbs 27:5-6). Like a surgeon, friends cut you in order to heal you. Friends become wiser together through a healthy class of viewpoints. “As iron sharpens iron, so friend sharpens friend” (Proverbs 27:17). 

Read more at What Is Friendship? 

What Is Happening to Our Pastors? 

Skye Jethani’s blog diagnoses the problem behind pastoral failure—and it’s not just pastors—it’s all of us and our celebrity pastor culture that identifies giftedness with spirituality. Learn more at What Is Happening to Our Pastors? 

Also…In Case You Missed It at RPM Ministries Earlier This Week… 

Here are two resource blogs from earlier this week at my RPM Ministries Changing Lives blog site:

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